The Perfect Company Organogram can be used as an example and also includes tick boxes to implement in your company structure.
No matter what type of company structure you deploy internally, all companies tend to have a company organogram. Whether you are an entrepreneur starting out on your own, run a flat management structure with a small to medium-sized staff component or have a complex hierarchy of staff reporting to each other, your organisation typically have a detailed company organogram with relevant roles, responsibilities and people acting in those roles, including but not limited to vacancies. But there may well be something that is critically missing from your organogram.
The influx of new technology solutions has seen many organisations have to rethink how they execute on normal day-to-day tasks and client service delivery, yet very few have started to consider what impact this revolution would have on typical organisational structures, even their organograms.
In the past, the organisations’ system diagram and company organogram lived as two separate documents. This is a notion that we find being challenged in the modern era. With technology, we find that menial tasks are being replaced by technology applications that have the ability to free up expensive human resources to focus on the tasks that can only be done by them, whilst relying on technology to do the rest. This, however, does not mean that we should now remove these functions from our company organogram, but rather add a new “employee” to the organogram, namely our systems.
Contrary to past practices, we find that company organograms nowadays are defined down to a granular level in order to provide team members with the ability to understand all the functions in the organisations and where people and technology interact with each other. This approach enables team members to know where their “technology colleague” stands ready to help with their work and where the technology does not yet make provision for certain levels of assistance.
By combining the company organogram and the organisations’ system diagram, we see trends of improved utilization of technology within organisations by team members. People are no longer scared that technology will replace their roles, but rather see a visual and interactive representation of what technology is being deployed by the organisation and how technology will assist in their daily work. Some organisations even incorporate the current “technology gaps” that exist into their organograms, listing these technology “positions” within the organisation as vacant.
The net effect of combining these two documents is that staff are bringing more innovative solutions and ideas to the table. They have a clear picture of where the organisations’ inefficiencies lay and where improvement is required. In addition, we see a decrease in overhead cost as the combined people and systems diagram reduces duplicate functions. Thus ensuring that our expensive human resources are utilized for their expertise and not just their available time at work. This can, in turn, lead to improved staff morale, meaning that technology will assist them to do their jobs faster and more accurately.
Now, more than ever before, companies should embrace the change and welcome their technology systems as formal “employees” within the organisation. Remember, these systems “employees” don’t sleep, they don’t take lunch and they don’t take leave. Instead, they are there to scale your business to the next growth phase, improve company culture, unlock innovative thinking and set the organisation up for success.
If you need to help with your financial systems, get in contact with our Systems Integration team today. If you need guidance on online systems sus as Xero, get in touch with our accounting team.