Monthly Bookkeeping Services and Financial Reporting
Finally have reliable numbers at your fingertips.
Focus on what you do best. Get bookkeeping off your to-do list!
Take the mental break of knowing that your numbers are in the safe hands of a cloud accounting team who can take care of them. At the very base of every company’s finance function sits monthly bookkeeping and accurate financial statements. Go from source documents to beautiful management accounts with our professional team of qualified accountants.

Get access to great bookkeeping and accounting professionals
backed by best in class cloud accounting tools and technology
Bookkeeping Service
At the foundation of any company’s finance function lies the bookkeeping and reporting process. A streamlined flow of financial information enables higher-value financial activities that support the company’s future growth, while the lack thereof hinders the ability to make quality financial business decisions. Look no further for:
- Income and expense allocations that are accurate and make sense
- A clean balance sheet that reflects the company’s financial health and position well
- Cash flow reports that help you clearly see what comes in and what goes out
- Debtors and creditors information that support your cash flow cycle
- Professional bookkeeping services and an accounting team that cares about you and your business’s finances
Lay a strong foundation. Get the basics right, without having to do it yourself in the evenings. View Cloud Accounting Packages

Divisional Reporting
Many companies build out different divisions as they scale. But multiple offerings and cost centres add complexity to your business. Ever wished that you could segment the different revenue and cost centres in the business to really see what is driving growth and profit and what is dragging it down? The more granular you are able to get on the economic drivers of your business, the better you can generate industry-leading profitability and cash flow.
- Identify your divisions clearly.
- Track revenue per division.
- Track direct and indirect expenses per division.
- Understand the bottom line of each division.
Our financial managers love helping founders and management teams see the numbers more clearly. Keep trusting your gut, but back it up with smart monthly reporting on all profit-generating activities.
Cloud Accounting Technology
Love the cloud! Get away from sheets and old-school desktop accounting software. The way in which accounting is done has changed forever – and now your business can benefit from it! Set up simple to use, easy to understand cloud accounting tools in your business to eliminate paperwork and manual input.
As a founder, manager or business owner, you can now have live access to all financial information as the action happens – not months later. Have a look at how we use Xero and other cloud accounting tools to maximize the value you get out of bookkeeping and reporting.

What Our Clients Say.
Entrepreneurs change the world. They create growth, job opportunities and social impact. We serve entrepreneurs! Hundreds of founders and management teams tap into the expertise of their trusted finance and accounting partner to help scale their companies.
Business is about people. When you partner with Outsourced CFO, a finance professional or team with the right mix of knowledge, skills and experience is personally matched with your company – working with you to create a world class finance function for your growing company. Your success story is our success story.

Our Clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is bookkeeping?
Bookkeeping is the daily/weekly/monthly task of ensuring that all transactions of a business are accounted for in organised accounts. These transactions include, but are not limited to, all bank account transactions, cash transactions and transactions that happen on credit.
What is financial reporting?
Financial reporting is reporting done to see the balance of all transactions that were incurred by a business. This could be the income versus expenses incurred during any period of time (income statement), as well as the balance of assets and liabilities at any date in time (balance sheet), as well as the statement of shareholder equity. Other types of financial reporting include cash flow statements, debtor and creditor reports, cash flow forecasting and comparisons between budgets and actuals.
Financial reporting assists businesses in seeing if they incur a profit or loss for a specific period and if they are profitable or not. It also helps businesses to determine if they have sufficient assets to cover all of their liabilities.
What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?
Bookkeeping is all about recording financial transactions in financial records, while accounting delves deeper into interpreting, analysing, classifying and reporting on financial data. Accounting cannot be done without bookkeeping happening first.
What is the objective of financial reporting?
Financial reporting is done to provide insight into the company’s financial activities, including:
- The profit or loss made during a reporting period.
- The balance of assets versus liabilities – Does the business have enough assets to cover and pay for all of their liabilities.
- Cash flow reporting shows the cash movement during the reporting period to see what cash came in and what cash was spent on.
- Comparing actuals versus budgets to see if spending has been over or under budget and if income has been more or less than budgeted.
All of these reports assist a business in calculating the financial health of a company in order to determine if the business is profitable and to assist management or investors make informed decisions on managing the business.
How much does Monthly Bookkeeping and Reporting cost?
There are different bookkeeping packages available to business owners depending on how many transactions they have in their business.
There are also different reporting packages available depending on the frequency of reporting periods e.g. monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly. We also give assistance to business managers to help them understand the financial reports and financial analysis.
Is the Monthly Bookkeeping and Reporting service available outside South Africa?
Cloud Accounting
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